The purpose of a web log or "Blog" is to allow the author, that’s me, to informally communicate random thoughts, ideas, and information to whomever wants to log in and read them. It also enables others to respond to those thoughts and agree or argue.
When we began Parking Today we were told we would run out of articles in six months. There just wasn’t enough interesting stuff to write about. Well, this marks our tenth year and we haven’t run out yet. Now the challenge.
I will update the blog daily. How to come up with enough to keep it interesting and not repeat myself too often?
We plan to promote this through Parking Today (first in the April Issue) and with a couple of giant email attacks and on our PT web site. In the mean time, I am probably talking to myself, but so be it. I can get into the rhythm. The only problem with this is that there is no spell check that I can find.
3 Responses
Hi John —
I’ve never known you to run out of things to talk about in the field of parking, so I’m not worried! This should elicit some interesting comments and ideas. Press on!
There is a spell check! It’s the last icon in the row of icons above the posting box.
Your humble webmaster
Hi John,
This is a good idea and I will check back here often to read your comments. Even though I have closed KSB Services and am no longer in the Parking Profession I still am having a hard time leaving my “Passion for Parking” behind and I check the parking site message boards almost daily. Parking Today is currently the only one operating so I spend a lot of time on your website. Thanks!