One of the attendees at this year’s Temecula Parking Group noted that he had been in a number of industries and this meeting was the most unique he had ever seen. Competitors sitting side by side and talking openly about issues and problems, with no real set goal except discussion, information and perhaps a publication or two.
Its a small group, about a dozen souls. They argue, they laugh, they agree and disagree. But they seem to be honorable conversations. No one is trying to grandstand or tell the others that he ‘knows it all.’ Just good information.
We meet formally for eight hours over two days, but much of the conversation is had during off hours, at the bar, during the formal and informal dinners, while standing under the huge sycamores of the Temecula Creek Inn, or during cross country bike rides, golf games, or while on a wine country tour. Those informal talks are often brought back to the group for discussion, or sometimes not.
Over the next few weeks there will be articles here on the blog, and in Parking Today, that resulted from those conversations. When you read them remember that around the table were seven CEOs, a senior VP, and three vice presidents. Some ran companies that grossed a million, others that grossed 100 million. These are in some cases entrepreneurial app designers, in other cases bricks and mortar legacy manufacturers. There were companies that were two years old, and others that have been around for decades. Each member of the Temecula Group benefited by the wisdom of the others.
The best part of all this is that I get to be King. At least I select the members. Usually its based on my feeling that they will ‘fit’ the group. They don’t have to agree, they only have to understand, and have the persistence and ethics to have made it this far in life.
Just to get things rolling, I picked six topics that I thought would be good for discussion. We started on Friday with a general discussion, and before it ended, without any direction, four of the topics I picked had been touched. We pretty well know what the hot spots are in this industry.
You are welcome to ask to attend, but there are few seats left at the table.