Here is a great article about some issues in the bidding process at the MTA in the City and County of San Francisco. Suffice it to say that a small parking operator followed the rules, was named the successful bidder, and then when larger operators lobbied the MTA board found himself shut out and the rules changed. The article is long, it is probably biased (written by the smaller operator’s attorney) but frankly it has a ring of truth.
If we as a parking profession can’t stand up against this kind of behavior, we deserve the reputation we get.
The coveted Baghdad by the Bay award – that award for parking stupidity awarded by me to organizations that can’t seem to get their parking acts together — certainly honors its namesake.
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It really has been the talk of the town for the past 3 month.
read the article below. Think San Francisco is “progressive” think again! Corruption is rampant!!
Dispute over who gets to run city parking garages leads to allegations of a shakedown