Parking Czar sent us this story from Philly. Seems that since Southwest has arrived at the city of Brotherly Love’s airport, people are actually using it and flying in large numbers. They are also filling the parking lots. At least the long term low priced lots.
The higher priced lots are still A OK and receiving parkers. Shoupists unite!!! It works. However, the city is perplexed as to what to do. They are even telling people to "shudder" park in the private off airport locations nearby. DUH!
I’ll tell you what I think they should do. Nothing. It won’t take long for people to find the private lots. The word will get out quickly, I’m sure with some assistance from the off airport entrepreneurs.
Free market will out. Way to go Southwest — I see you also got the other carriers to lower their prices, too. The amount of money Southwest has saved the flying public is incalculable.