The Parking Nazi


The Parking Nazi

I have mixed emotions about this one. 

First, you gotta smile at a fellow who worked to enforce parking regulations in his neighborhood by defacing the cars that broke the regs. Read all about it here in the Boston Globe.

The local residents gave him the name "Parking Nazi." and that bothers me a bit. I’m sure it comes from Seinfeld’s "Soup Nazi" episode, but there the parallel ends.

I agree that this fellow was over the top and should be stopped (He was arraigned yesterday), however to equate him with the monsters that perpetrated the holocaust is too much. We do have a tendency to call someone a "Nazi" when they are on some kind of crusade we don’t like.

Here are people who are breaking the law complaining that someone has done something about  it. Now I do agree that keying the cars and covering them with dog doo might be a bit out of line, but the chocolate syrup has a certain poetic justice.

Hopefully the criminal justice system will mete out the proper sentence and let our dog walking enforcement officer know that a simple phone call would have solved the problem, but perhaps without as much drama.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

3 Responses

  1. I have been called a “Parking Nazi” several times. I hate to think what they say behind my back.

  2. The term predates Seinfeld by quite a while, I was first called a “Parking Nazi” in 1981, I’m sure others can go back even farther. BTW, if you are thinking of calling someone a Parking Nazi, don’t spit on them at the same time… 20 days in jail (hooray for the judge).

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