On street parking may start looking like off street parking in NYC, where the rates change hourly, depending on supply and demand. A new gizmo — read about it here, is on the market that can report whether or not individual spaces are taken on street. It looks like the reflectors you see down the middle of the freeway lanes. Through RF transmission it tells central all about occupancies in on street (or off street) parking spaces.
Think about it — Don Shoup says that the pricing for on street parking should be neither too much nor too little, but like Goldilocks, it should be "just right." With these marvels, your computer model can know exactly when to raise or lower rates on street, depending on demand.
Then the world will be, as they said in the article, like a sitcom, where someone can drive up and park right in front of the store they want — assuming they are willing to pay the price.
Of course there are minor considerations like parking meters or P and D machines that can change rates at the drop of a coin, but these are simply technical details. (Boy did I hear the screams in the software shops across the country.