In Daytona Beach, Florida, some residents are bothered by the lack of attention parking enforcement officers pay to the illegal use of handicapped parking spaces. According to the Daytona-Beach News Journal, Mr. Steve Williamson, the current president of Handicapped Adults of Volusia County, says he sees a lot of handicapped parking abuse going on, and nothing done about it.
Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said his officers do not receive a large amount of calls regarding motorists without disabled parking permits illegally parking in handicapped spaces. Records show just 29 citations have been issued in Volusia County from Jan. 1 through Dec. 17.
We all hold enforcement officers responsible for keeping the non-handicapped out of handicapped spots, but we should just admit the rules in this area are more like an honor system than actual law. There’s no way any city could hire enough enforcement officers to patrol for handicapped parking abuse. So we can only count on the character and good judgment of the general public to ensure compliance. Sometimes this honor system works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Read the rest of the article here.