We have finalized the November issue of Parking Today. It’s the Veterans in Parking issue. Todd Tucker has edited the articles and all but four are written by veterans who work in the parking industry.
I am impressed with the content of the articles, both the stories the authors tell about their time in service and the information they give to help you do a better job in your day to day operations in the parking industry. Its amazing how easily management techniques translate from the military to civilian life.
It is simply wonderful how humble these heroes are as they tell their stories as if they were simple daily activities. Most saw combat and survived some of the most arduous experiences imaginable.
I’m sure you have heard of the concept of “burying the lede.” The ‘lede’ is the major thrust of a story and if you bury it, you hide that information well down in the article. As I was reading one of the vet’s articles, I found that the author was a true hero.
He was the recipient of two, count em two silver stars and two purple hearts. He served in both Vietnam and the Gulf War and left the army as a full colonel. The silver star is the third highest award given in the military and is given for gallantry in action.
We were casting about for a picture to use on the cover, and when I discovered this ‘buried lede’ I knew that his picture would be perfect for the pront page of Parking Today November. I would tell you his name, but I think the cover shot will do just as well.
The pictures in November’s issue may be a tad fuzzy and a bit strange, as they depict these vets as they were when they were in the military. Thinking about it, I don’t think any of us were ever so young.
Here’s the picture we are using on the cover of Parking Today for November. If you don’t recognize him, take a look at page 38.
One Response
Amazing opportunity you gave the Veterans in Parking charity here JVH and Parking Today team. Also to pile on, if you are not familiar with military valor awards, it doesn’t get much more impressive than Bob’s. I was floored when I read his background and service award history. It’s the kind of stuff they make movies about. Shake his hand the next time you see him……all veterans make sacrifices but Bob’s is next-level.
Thanks to all veterans everywhere and again to Parking Today Media Group.