It’s great how parking lots are the catalyst for so many interesting discussions. According to this article President Ronald Reagan’s childhood home will most likely be razed to provide parking for President Barack Obama’s presidential library. Some people think it’s a sensible choice; others think it’s a left-wing conspiracy.
I think it’s neither. I doubt it’s a slam, because no one wants to disrespect the Gipper; but it doesn’t seem like the best idea ever. Still, the clock is ticking and a 90-day waiting period will probably end with swinging wrecking balls and a pile of rubble.
It’s a shame, but I’ll get over it. This is the United States – we don’t save every building that once housed somebody important or famous or infamous. We value progress over all else. But it goes to show how the extreme members of political factions in our country, in all their ridiculous self-involved hypervigilance, look for every opportunity to strike out at each other. FYI – this is not about politics – it’s about parking.
Paul Martinez Smith – professional writer and blogger