The upcoming Parking Industry Exhibition/Intertraffic Show coming to Baltimore this September is sold out of exhibit space. According to Dawn Newman, our salesperson for the show, she sold the last booth yesterday.
She is quick to add, however, that there is a waiting list and interested companies should contact her and get on the list. There are also four booths available in the consultants corner section. There is a possiblity that more space may be made available in the late summer.
Dawn tells me that she has sold the equivalent of 160 10×10 booths for the parking portion of the show, and that the equivalent of 250 10x10s have been sold to traffic and transportation companies. This equates to over 200 companies exhibiting.
Plan now to attend. Save money by signing up for PIE through PT PLus– the savings equals 20%.
In case you didn’t notice, the above was a shameless plug for our snow.