Maybe she has too much money, too many fans, too much fame or spent too many years living in England, but it appears Madonna thinks she can make up her own parking laws. She didn’t want anybody parking in front of her New York City townhouse, so she posted signs and painted the curb – to be clear, she didn’t do it herself, she hired out the job.
New York City authorities foiled her plan and required her to remove the signs and the paint.
She got herself into hot water last month with neighbors and city officials after she posted signs in front of her townhouse that read: “Tenant parking only … unauthorized vehicles will be towed away at vehicle owner’s expense.” In addition, the words “No Parking” had been embossed in cement on the sidewalk, and the nearby curb had been painted yellow.
It’s not clear whether Madonna had her curb painted yellow because she wanted the area to be a designated loading/drop off zone or she just liked the color. She did take a parting shot at the city for the ugly color of its concrete-colored curbs, maybe not fully understanding the meaning of the specific colors of painted curbs.
We all want our own private parking spots – for some of us, they’re called driveways, for others, they’re fake handicapped parking tags. Some people try the paper bag over a parking meter trick, others throw out a lawn chair and invoke the rule of “savesies.” Everybody’s got an angle on claiming parking – but few are as audacious about it as Madonna.
Read the article here.