The Parking Today Awards will be presented at the Parking Industry Expo during a special breakfast honoring the awardees. Those wishing to nominate potential awardees are welcome to go to the PIE web site, for full details. The deadline for entry has been extended to midnight February1, 2019. More than 50 nomination have been received to date.
Nominations may be made by individuals, organizations, or commercial entities. The process is not complicated and is free. Winners and finalists will be promoted not only at PIE but also in upcoming Issues of Parking Today.
Five simifinalists in each category will be announced in late February. The winners will be presented at a special breakfast at 9 AM on Tuesday March 12, immediately preceding the opening of the Exhibition floor.
Awards categories include Customer Service Excellence, Technical Innovation, Best New Parking Structure, Sustainability, and Lifetime Achievement. Sponsorships for three of the five categories have already been taken. Organizations interested in sponsoring should contact Marcy Sparrow at The final list of sponsors will be announced the week of January 21, 2019.
The Parking Industry Expo is being held March 11-14, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare adjacent to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Find it on line at Contact: Eric Abel, or +1 310 390 5277 Ext 1