If you’ve been to New York City, you’ve seen the traffic. It is, indeed, terrible. I’ve been there and the last thing I want to do is drive its streets. I love the taxis, I love the buses, I love the Subway, and I love the walking. With so many options, why would I get in car and suffer? But some people want to keep their options open, and I can respect that. Technology is helping them. On spoilednyc.com, a recent article offered news about Parkwhiz, a parking app that tells drivers where they can park. The article outlines the app’s process and offers an entertaining info-graphic on the challenges and realities of driving and parking in Manhattan.
The fact of the matter is that most New Yorkers don’t even have cars because of how terrible the parking situation is here.
It’s true. And there are adults who don’t even know how to drive because they don’t see the need. One suggestion on the info-graphic tells drivers to “stay calm” even though the honking will be constant. I like the creative approach of the app and the app’s PR.
Even in a city like New York, there is room for innovation in parking. The streets are packed and parking is at a premium, but that’s no reason new ideas can’t be implemented successfully.
Read the article here.