Mount Kisko New York meter attendant stole thirty thousand in quarters over a four month period last year. The city noted the problem when they changed attendants and the revenue skyrocketed.
Does this tell you something? It works not only in on street applications, but with attendants. Check too to see if you have any employees who refuse to take a vacation.
One Response
I’ve been in the parking business since 1967, and it seems in every one of those 38 years you could almost count on a meter thief story every six months or so. I’m amazed to learn how many parking operations with electronic parking meters that have collection auditing capabilities still seldom or never fully utilize this feature. Before I retired from full time work at the Albany Parking Authority, every meter was fully audited on-street during every collection by authority staff who never saw or touched the coins. Actual count of coins by an outside firm hardly ever varied beyond one percent of audited figures, and usually the actual count was slightly higher than the audit.
In these times when technology is ever present everywhere in our life and work, it astounds me that managers with fiduciary responsibility take so lightly the protection of revenue when so little effort is required to audit meters and get ALL the money safely to bank.