Word has come that Texas, home for PIE 2021, has opened its restaurants, businesses, and convention centers, much like Florida, South Dakota, Arizona, Mississippi, and Georgia. It joins about 10 other states removing mask requirements. I expect more news like this to be appearing every day. People are excited, they want to fly, they want to meet face to face, and its happening.
The President has announced that by the end of May, there will be enough vaccine available to inoculate everyone in the country. That’s months earlier that had been projected. California (That’s CALIFORNIA) has announced that many of its major cities including San Francisco can begin indoor dining. It is impossible for me not to see that we have turned a huge corner.
The numbers are down, 20% in the last two weeks, 70% in the last month.
I realize that we have been bombarded with negative and fearful information about the pandemic and I can only imagine how you are feeling now. What is the risk? Will I get sick? Frankly I can’t answer that. I can however tell you one thing. If we continue the way we are we will continue to live lives that we don’t want to live. Now it the time to break out of the mold of the past year and renew old friendships, make new ones, and rebuild our organizations, our relationships, and our lives.