I’ve spent the last couple of hours visiting exhibitors at the NPA PMX Virtual event. I attempted to ask questions that would elicit answers in 400 characters or less. Not easy. Many of the booths I entered were not staffed, but a few were and here’s a sampling:
Mike Bigbee at Orbility filled me in on where his company is going. “We have been a US PARCS provider for over 50 years, in the last 10 years have safely and securely processed over $10B (“B”) in parking revenues for our customers.
We offer cloud or on-prem. We offer purchase or lease. We’re on our 6th generation of PARCS equipment. Loaded up with APIs. Solid technology, forward looking/thinking h/w & s/w developers, new products coming online multiple times per year.Our airport experience definitely informs our work in normal offstreet garages: by having worked on high performance/high volume/high throughput environments, we know where all of the little ‘gotchas’ are that can negatively impact a smaller facility.
Shannon Lange at Rytec told me about this fantastic company. “Rytec is a high-speed, high performance door manufacturer. We are based out of Jackson, WI. Rytec has been in business for 35 years and we serve a wide range of industries, with parking and auto being at the top of our list!
I noted that I had seen rolling doors early on in my PT career. I went to Chicago when PT began and took a picture of the John Hancock building. It had doors on the garage to keep the heat in. I learned something. May not have been their doors, but I understood the importance of them. She said that they have many doors all around the world! She believes they do have doors on the John Hancock building in Chicago. She’s not positive on that though. There are many in CA. She’s assuming I saw one of Rytek’s Spiral doors, which is their top selling door. Check out their video.
Andrew Rose at Designa set me straight about their Airports business. He said the airport vertical is their strongest one. They have won the Port Authority of NY and NJ, Miami International, Charlotte International and Denver too. They just got the contract for Ottawa International.
Sabrina Zahn at FlashParking attributes her company’s success to a simple concept – keeping the customer at the forefront. Listing to their needs and taking action. They take action in two ways: 1. Providing access to the most advanced technology and 2. maintaining its edge with cloud built updates over the air;
Dave Donner over at Toledo Ticket Technologies was riding high on the announcement of their new name. There is a video at their booth where Tom Carter details the reasons behind the change from Toledo Ticket Company to Toledo Ticket Technologies.
Kacey Siskind, Senior VP at Honk told me they’re here to provide the best contactless payment experience to the parking industry! Drop by their booth and find out why.
Colleen Niese at the Marlyn Group was introducing Zephire, their monthly parking solution that serves individual and group tenant parkers. It was built in partnership with six operators ranging from national to local to ensure the operators’ needs and objectives were front and center. It’s comprised of three portals and I’ve now run out of room !
I added: So its a dashboard that combines data that operators need at their fingertips to better run their businesses? Yes! She said- combines KPIs and actionable links to manage the life cycle of any type of monthly parker in real time.
Dropped in on the keynote speaker where Eric Qualman regaled the attendees on how to embrace the digital world. I was non plussed.
More tomorrow…