This is at Mineta San Jose International Airport. It covers the outside of their new Rental Car Garage. The images have cause some controversy – Some love it, some say it reminds them of Zombies’ hands coming out of the grave. In any case it’s certainly different, and Parking needs “different.”
Titled “Hands” and created by international artist Christian Moeller, the innovative façade will wrap the east side of the airport’s new rental car and public parking garage currently under construction. The seven-deck, 3350-space garage is a key element of SJC’s comprehensive modernization program and is located directly across the roadway from the new Terminal B, According to Moeller, “Hands are one of the most expressive parts of the human body and have facilitated communication, technology and innovation throughout time.” The image will be approximately 60 feet high, comparable to the height of the faces on Mt. Rushmore from chin to forehead. Fifty-four Silicon Valley residents posed as models for Moeller’s image composed of hands.Participating community members represent a spectrum of the South Bay’s population, including a tamale maker and a surgeon, teachers and students, technologists and construction workers, musicians and poets, parents and children, police officers and fire fighters. “Our hands are active in our communications. Our hands facilitate our endeavors, they interpret and distinguish and inspire. ‘Hands’ is a brilliant expression that will be open to many interpretations, but will need no translation for the incredible diversity of the visitors and residents who will engage with the artwork,” said Rubin.