Did you ever wonder where old parking pros want to be buried when they die? Neither did I, until I received a link to this site the other day. It shows half a dozen or so grave sites, or small cemeteries, that are part of parking lots in strip malls and shopping centers across the country.
Yes, parking lots have been built around the graves, mostly dating from the early 1800s. Some are just family grave sites, but another has a romantic spin. The woman buried there came to this spot every day for 50 years, waiting for her betrothed to come home from the sea. He never showed; she is buried on the site.
Weird? Well, maybe. It seems like it would have been a tad more respectful to have moved the graves, perhaps to a more appropriate location. Can you imagine the surprise on the day of judgment when these folks find they have been spending eternity next to WalMart or behind a Piggly Wiggly or Napa Auto Parts store.
What next?