“OMG, not another Webinar.” How often have you heard or said that, particularly at this time of social distancing? We can’t go to a seminar, so it is put online and we attend digitally. And we are treated to a wonderful presentation based on PowerPoint.
The Microsoft app has been a boon to presentations for decades. Its easy to use and has added color and pizzazz to lectures and seminars from sea to shining sea. But I wonder if it is sometimes overused.
Many if not most webinars are simply PowerPoint presentations that have a voice over behind them. We never see a human being, and often the words get out of sync with the data on the screen so after a few minutes they are more of a distraction than a help.
What we forget is that the PowerPoint is a support for you. YOU are the presentation. This makes webinars more difficult. You must have a screen that shows YOU. And its better if it shows you moving around, waving your arms, and talking. And then from time to time clicks to your PowerPoint to underscore the point you are making.
If you want more input, check out THIS Ted Talk.