Barter, Goulston, Houlihan. What a terrific group of speakers we have lined up for PIE 2017. I’m going to tell you what makes them terrific, but you may not like it.
These three have attained the zenith in their respective fields. They know what they are talking about. They are going to tell you about parking, your employees, and your organization. And its very possible you will find what they say unnerving. I have met all three and they take control of the room.
Paul Barter is a professor in transportation and parking policy in Singapore. He has a number of blogs he updates daily and its original material. Whereas I read something by Paul and then comment on it, he comes up with the real thing. When you hear his two talks at PIE, you will be hearing years of experience trekking through some of the largest and not so large cities on earth, looking at their parking operations, and determining what’s good and what isn’t. You might be surprised as how your parking issues in Mid America relate to those in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Oceania. Be prepared to think outside your parochial box and get great ideas on solving your parking issues.
Dr. Mark Goulston called us after he read the review that Astrid did of his book, “Just Listen.” He said he wanted to meet “the gang” at Parking Today. We had lunch with him in our conference room. After an hour my head was spinning. When he walked in he looked like Steve Jobs, wire rimmed glasses and black turtleneck. He said he just came from a presentation when he channeled the famous entrepreneur giving his audience an overview of just how Jobs took Apple to its present level, and why it may not continue is meteoric rise. He taught us about Job’s “Whoa, Wow, Hmmm, Yes”– and now I can’t get it out of my head. Mark is a ‘people hacker.’ In an hour he pretty much had the four of us present down pat. That hour is going to make a huge difference in Parking Today Media over the next year.
Michael Houlihan is the founder of Barefoot Winery. We had a skype chat with him and he immediately understood what we wanted and began to form a presentation for us. His experience comes from founding and growing one of the best know wine brands in the world and he now travels the globe sharing his success with anyone who will listen. He talked about marketing. Everything we do is marketing, he says. Whether you own a parking operation, are a city or university with parking, or manufacturer or supply parking equipment, you probably approach your market from a traditional direction. And that direction is most likely wrong. He said that he would like to title his presentation “You can sell more if you wear a funny hat.” It reminded me of a car dealership in LA, ‘Cal Worthington and his Dog Spot.’ Michael is funny, dynamic, and will give you advice that may just change how you look at your business.
I am so proud to have these three with us in March. Join us and find out why.