As the snow piles up in the East, those of us who live in the West try to figure out how anyone could possibly survive in such an extreme climate. We also wonder about references to regional practices like “savesies.” It’s hard enough to imagine how people get through the day in negative temperatures, but they have to dig out their parking spaces, too? It sounds like torture.
In Bethlehem, PA, city leaders are opposed to the tradition of savesies and have promised to throw out any items left on the street to save parking spaces, reports
Anything residents have been using to save their parking space — a chair, a saw horse, buckets — must be out of the street, too.
I’m not sure the city shouldn’t be thanking these determined individuals for creating their own parking. Five feet of snow fall; one guy risks certain death, or just frostbite, to dig out his car; he wants the space he has created for his own use exclusively. It makes a little sense. I can relate because I hate it when people park in front of my house. I haven’t shoveled snow for hours to clear the space, but I think of that area as belonging to me and I don’t want other people using it. But public property doesn’t work that way.
It seems there should be a plan for parking in harsh climates. Cities could offer the use of a downtown garage and extended bus service; or let residents park in school parking lots between 5 pm and 7 am; or offer a short-term permit for the parking spot in front of your house. It sounds like things are hard enough without making parking difficult, too.
Read the entire article by clicking here.